
End of the season...

I'll try to keep it brief  here... We definitely worked some big fish over the last two days, but, unfortunately we were not able to get any of  'em up on top of the ice. We lost seven or eight on tip ups, and I had a really nice 34" or 36" muskie on a super light crappie rig that I lost after a four or five minute battle... At least we were able to watch that whole fight play out, a foot or two below the ice, and let me tell you, that was one of the single most exciting things I have ever experienced. I just was not able to give it a proper hook set at any time during the fight, I had left my drag too loose, and had no muscle on the reel.  Lesson learned.

We ended up with a couple of small muskie in hand, Brandon had the first rod and reel muskie of the season up through the ice, and a smallish northern was also tallied....Now it is back to jigging for crappies.  Here's hoping....

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