
One Crazy Night....

It all started with some rotten worms, I think. We hit the river and there was a little painted turtle just chillin' & swimming around. We lured him in a bit closer with some of the rotten worms, scooped him up, took a couple of pictures, and let him get back to the water. The spot was way lit up, more than it normally is, so we could see everything that was goin' on in the water. The night was pretty chilly, especially for August, and with the river being as warm as it is, there was a beautiful mist floating around everywhere. We spotted a pair of carp cruising around right underneath us, and they pretty much stuck around for most of the night as well.
The little turtle that we had grabbed earlier came right back, and a bigger one showed up minutes later. Both of 'em swam right on in and kept snacking on the worms. I landed a little dogfish, all messed up and missing part of one gill plate, and immediately after I got it back in the water, a bigger one rolled on up, I'm guessing to check out the stinky worms that were all floating around.
So now we have carp, turtles, dogfish and ducks hangin' around, I think I forgot to mention the ducks earlier. The beaver and the muskrats were all busy as well, cruisin' back and forth, takin' care of business. The dogfish I caught was makin' occasional appearances as well, swimmin' round in circles, floppin' around all crazy and drunk lookin'. So what shows up next but that big 'ol snapper, all slow and skeptical...
Same deal as before, some rotten worms to lure him in, and Brandon snatched him up right quick. Let me tell you, that sure was some shit, boy. Watchin' him haul it up out of the river was sick, you could see the adrenaline pumpin'. I was all shakin' and I didn't even grab 'em up out of the water. It was like a goddamn petting zoo down there. The photo op was sweet for sure, how are you not going to pose with a beast like that. Just being able to be that close to an animal that magnificent without glass or bars is unreal. But having the opportunity to hold onto him and to feel just how massive and strong they are is damn near indescribable.
I think, or rather, I know that turtle definately trumped everything else that night. At some point Brandon caught a little cat, and Heff had a couple a fish, too, one of which was a sweet ass carp. After that turtle though, I don't think anything would have measured up, right?
Goddamn, how sweet is that river...

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