Andy & I had posted up on Nokomis with a pail full of suckers hopin' that the northern or tigers would be in the mood. Absolutely nothin' was goin' on, and apparently, the bite has definately slowed over there. So, when in doubt, put worms on the bottom, right?. Voila! Bullhead! Some people hate 'em, but man, I personally think that they are so very cool lookin'. And hey, catchin' fish is catchin' fish, right?
After the bullhead feeding frenzy, we wandered on down to one of our usual haunts on the river. With a handful of those suckers minnows still alive, we had some high hopes for some serious action. And, with all the carp that have been swimmin' around rooting for food for the last week, we figured that some crawlers and corn would be a sure fire backup plan. Well, the carp did nothin' but pick us off the entire evening, and I missed four or five fish personally. It was positively comedic, here's how it would go down... I would get a taker to start pullin' line, and the minute I would grab my rod there would be nothin' for ten minutes. The second I would put it down, that damn fish would burn more line and I'd pick up and then, nothin' again. This went on for what seemed like an eternity. For a little while there were fish workin' both my lines like that. I was goin' back and forth from one to the other and ended up with a whole lotta nothin', except stress.
Andy ended up catchin' his first fish on a sucker minnow, and it was a sweet fish for sure. Brandon got a nice one too, and, at some point, we were joined by a homeless magician who had wandered up and offered up some card tricks.
Now, what are the chances that some dude, who reeks of vodka and had come stumblin' out of the woods around midnight, is goin' to have some really "amazing" card tricks to hit us with. He had asked us if we had ever heard of David Blaine or Chris Angel, and we kinda shrugged him off at first. He hit us up with some crazy four of a kind card trick that was absolutely mind-boggling, and we were sold. His tricks were definately on par with David Blaine, and they just kept gettin' better and better. One beer, seven or eight tricks later, and a whole mess of wild stories about his nine years in the pen, his "old lady" and the fight they were in, their livin' arrangements and subsequent run-ins with the law, he had wandered off back to the "camp" and we were finally ready to get out for the night. I guess it goes to show you just can't judge a book by its cover, cause that dude was blowin' us away with his tricks for sure. There is something crazy about that river, all the different people it attracts and the all the crazy stories they just never ends.

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